We are all adjusting to life with different pacing, routines, and variables in the context of COVID-19 and our global efforts to flatten the curve.
I work with the Limestone Clinic both as an in person and virtual therapist - well, I'm 100% virtual right now! As a Registered Psychotherapist with a degree in Behavioural Science, I have a lot of experience with behavioural modification and I have several suggestions about working from home that I would like to share with you, in case you may find these help you during this time.
DO: Keep a consistent daily routine and schedule
Humans are creatures of habit and we need consistency. Having a routine and schedule can help to organize your time during the day and increase productivity, efficiency, and balance. Don’t forget to build in time for the important things such as exercise, relaxation, and fun as these are the types of activities that help buffer stress.
DON’T: Stay in your PJ’s all day
We associate pajamas with rest and sleep. Keep pajama days for weekends and a treat for yourself after a long work week.
DO: Dress to impress!
Getting ready every morning can help get your day started off on the right foot. Making ourselves presentable to the outside world can help increase motivation and can be a mood booster.
DON’T: Skip meals
Food gives us energy. When we skip meals or don’t eat for a long period of time our body goes into survival mode, which can result in a person feel lethargic and low energy.
DO: Take breaks
Our brain needs to rest just as much as our body does. Giving our brain some time to wind down can help increase concentration, focus and performance. Breaks can help decrease stress and recharge.
DON’T: Overwork yourself
Overworking is a common issue for adults in the workforce. It is important to set boundaries and realities expectations about how much we can do in a day. Being able to say no, prioritize and setting boundaries can help prevent burnout.
DO: Invite your pet(s) to work with you
I am not suggesting everyone run out and get a pet (but, if there is a shelter that needs temporary fostering, this could be a wonderful thing). But… for those who have pets at home already take advantage of their unconditional love. Seeing a cute and friendly face is always mood booster for me and cuddles are always warranted. Pets are known to improve mood and decrease loneliness.
DO: Stay connected with peers
Working from home can be challenging because it can be easy to lose connections with peers. Take the time to connect with others, bounce ideas off of them or have a virtual coffee break and talk about your day. We are social creatures and need human connection. Social connections are linked to increased happiness.
Got more questions about working from home? Contact our clinic today and let us know.