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  • Writer's pictureDr. Kris Boksman, C.Psych

Signs You Haven't Healed From Your Trauma​/PTSD

Updated: Jun 7

Let's talk about the elephant in the room: Your trauma.

It's the things that happened to you that shouldn't have. Or, it's the things that didn't happen to you that should've.

Dictionary definition of trauma

We get it – it's not exactly a topic you bring up over brunch with friends. But here's the thing: Ignoring the signs that you haven't fully recovered from trauma won't make them magically disappear. If your strategies for coping with unresolved trauma are not healthy, odds are things will get worse. So, let's shine a light on those sneaky red flags, shall we?

Flashback Fiascos

Ever find yourself transported back to that fateful moment at the most unexpected times? Whether it's during your morning coffee or in the middle of a Zoom meeting, those pesky flashbacks just won't quit. It's like a not-so-fun trip down memory lane – minus the souvenirs.

woman with insomnia

Sleepless Nights

Ah, insomnia – the unofficial mascot of unresolved trauma. If counting sheep feels more like counting your worries, you might be dealing with some lingering trauma baggage. Because let's face it, nothing says "party" like staring at the ceiling at 3 a.m., right?

Your Emotion Rollercoaster Rides

One minute you're riding high on the happiness express, and the next, you're plummeting into the depths of despair. Sound familiar? It's like your emotions have a mind of their own – and they're not afraid to make themselves known. Cue the dramatic music.

Avoidance Olympics

You know that thing you've been avoiding like the plague? Yeah, that's probably tied to your unresolved trauma. Whether it's certain places, people, or activities, steering clear seems like the safest bet. But spoiler alert: Ignoring the problem won't make it disappear – trust us, we've tried.

Two penguins giving each other the silent treatment
Has your relationship gotten kinda icy?

Relationship Dramas

Ah, relationships – the ultimate trauma magnifying glass. If your romantic entanglements resemble a never-ending soap opera, complete with drama, tears, and a splash of chaos, it might be time to take a closer look at your unresolved trauma. After all, love is a stabilizing force that helps you regulate, unless your nervous system isn't certain about that.

Difficulties Fulfilling Your Life Demands

From time to time life can get hard and it's a challenge to keep up. But we're not talking about that. When trauma non-recovery gets to be too much, the life tasks that you used to feel like you were able to complete on the regular also start to feel like too much. It's things like managing your relationships without withdrawing or becoming Oscar the Grouch. Things like taking care to feed yourself and your family healthy meals instead of 24/7 Pizza Pockets (not that we don't like Pizza Pockets), and not just eating cheese from the block. Showering. Submitting those reports at work. Combing your hair. Walking the dogs - whatever it is you used to be able to do but that feels like such a burden - we're talking about that. If the distress, the numbness, the moods, the inability to tolerate people, work, your picky neighbour, is becoming more than you have capacity for, it's a sign your trauma non-recovery is likely rearing its ugly head and calling out for your attention.

Time to Get Started Getting Better?

Dealing with trauma can be overwhelming, and recognizing the signs of unresolved issues is the first step toward healing. At Limestone Clinic Kingston Counselling and Psychotherapy, we specialize in helping individuals recover from trauma and PTSD. Our trauma psychotherapy services are designed to increase emotional regulation and improve your quality of life. Whether you're dealing with flashbacks, insomnia, emotional instability, or difficulties managing everyday tasks, our experienced therapists are here to help. If you're unsure if therapy is right for you, we offer a free 15-minute consultation to get started - Contact us now. Learn more about our services and how we can support your journey to recovery by visiting our Trauma Psychotherapy page.

Taking the step to seek help can be daunting, but it is crucial for your well-being. Trauma and PTSD can significantly impact various aspects of life, from relationships to daily responsibilities. At Limestone Clinic, we provide a supportive environment where you can explore and address these challenges. Our trauma therapy aims to help you regain control over your emotions and enhance your overall quality of life. Don't let unresolved trauma dictate your future. Reach out to us today for a free consultation, and let us guide you on the path to healing. Visit our Trauma Psychotherapy page for more information.

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