Our In-Kingston and Online Team of Admins, Nurses, Psychotherapists, Psychologists, and Social Workers
Teamwork makes the Dreamwork (oh Lawd! That's cheezy...) but guess what? YOU are the team's biggest VIP (and that's not a dig at your jeans size).
Blah blah blah - just take me to the team/therapist info!
Often imitated, never duplicated, our dream team works together to with YOU, the importantest member of the team, to efficiently help you with the concerns that you say you want to get traction on - like Spanx and your favourite slimfits or Duct Tape and, well, anything!
Our administrative support wonderwoman has trained with the intensity of university students cramming for exams, with the golden heart of the world's most loyal retriever, and with the elasticity and flexibility of maternity pantyhose!
Epic in transformative power, our process ensures you're matched with the best therapist on the team to lift you up and help you redefine yourself, on your terms. Because, after all, that's what you are here for, and that's what we live for.
This team of awesomesaucers will field your needs to the utmost of their ability, as speedily as possible, custom-sizing it to YOU, whilst truly caring about you and your experience with us.
Don't forget - with YOU as the VIP teammate in these sessions with us, what you do, how hard you work, and how motivated you are to work for the changes you want to see, are probably the biggest factors in the results you will get.
But, we're also, if we may say so, kind of a really noteworthy team of Smarties - we're sweet, smart, and we won't get all weird if you have clammy hands or express your true self & feelings. If you give yourself a chance to meet us, you'll think so, too.
(OH! In case this is also helpful so you don't have to tromp all over the website to get the info you need - the cost for a standard 50-minute counselling session ranges from $175 to $350, depending on the therapy provider.)